Tips to Take Modafinil 200 Mg Tablet – the Smart Drug

These days, there are a thousand things you can do to get smart and excel in your chosen career. There are all kinds of smart drugs and boosters in the market to help you deal with everyday stress and get on with your life. Modafinil is one such smart drug that has become very popular over the years for its extraordinary benefits. There are a few tips you must follow to ensure that you take it the right way. If you are taking modafinil for the first time, here’s what you should know.

Safety – Although modafinil is a prescription drug, people manage to obtain it online and use it for various reasons without experiencing any serious side effects. You must however consult your doctor before taking a smart drug like modafinil. The dosage varies but a lot of people manage to get the desired effect with modafinil 200 mg tablet. Some people prefer to start with a low dose until they know for sure that it is safe and has not produced any side effect. Most users have been able to experience all the benefits with modafinil 200mg. Split dosing has also helped many people. They simply split the 200 mg pill into halves to have the pill with breakfast and lunch. This helps them work efficiently for several hours without any drop in focus.

The right time – In order to enjoy the full benefits of the smart drug, you must consume it as early as possible. The effects of the nootropic last for about 15 hours. That’s a lot of time to finish all your important work. It will take a while for the effects to kick in. So if you have a modafinil 200 mg tablet at about 7 am, you can experience its effect around 8 am. If you want to get the most out of your day and enjoy a really long productive time, you must take the pill in the morning.

Don’t forget to eat – Modafinil 200mg can suppress your appetite and you may not feel hungry at all. You must however remember to eat on time and stick to your regular meal schedule. To keep the side effects at bay, make sure that you keep the food quantity and timing absolutely normal.

Drink water – Just like food, you may forget to have water too. You may be so engrossed in your work that it may not even occur to you to drink water. Make sure that you keep a water bottle on your work desk so that you can drink often.

Tolerance levels are likely to differ – Although modafinil enhances cognitive function, it may not be a good idea to take it on a daily basis. Again, a doctor would be able to advise you properly on this matter. You need to take your tolerance levels into consideration too.

Avoid boozing – Although people have managed to efficiently deal with a hangover after having modafinil, it may not be a good idea to consume it when you are having alcohol